Living Water Surf Co.

Living Water has everything you need for Surf, SUP, Skate, Summer Fun!

Living Water Surf Co is fully stocked and can turn your average beach day into an epic tale of radness!


Rip it up on a new or used surfboard (step-ups and pintails for real waves too).  One stop shopping for repair kits, leashes, tail pads, fins… Carver skateboards “Surf Your Skate”, Zap Skimboards, Rip Curl & Body Glove Wetsuits, Catch Surf (Logs, Planks, Beaters, Skippers)…  Kialoa Paddles, Rad gear to keep you shredding and the Raddest attire… to keep the Guys, Gals & Groms styling!!!

Rip Curl and Body Glove wetsuits,


The Barend’s went over to Nantucket Island for the OZONE Surf Contest last weekend.  Here are a few photos of the Barend’s on the way to bringing home the Gold and Silver in their respective divisions!


Posted 7 years, 6 months ago at 10:00 pm.

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Happy and Blessed Independence Day!

We at Living Water would like to extend to you and your family wishes of joy and gratitude during this time of celebration for this great nation.  May God bless the USA and those who have served it so we can celebrate our freedoms.

4TH July

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.”  Albert Einstein

We are open today from 9-12.

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago at 6:54 am.

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Happy Memorial Day! (10am Memorial Day service @ Wilbur Mcmann school gym)


Freedom is not free, never forget those who gave all for our freedom!


Monday OPEN: 11am – 2pm

(10am Memorial Day service is held @ Wilbur McMann Gym)

New arrivals from:

Rip Curl – wetsuits (youth sizes too), lycra (youth sizes too), surf trunks, Ts & hats (youth sizes too)

Catch Surf – 8′ & 9′ Logs, Beaters, Skippers, Bodyboards

SEA – ladies swimsuits

Rainbow – sandals

Burre’o – polarized sunglasses

Kialoa – sup paddles

Zap – skimboards

more arriving daily!  🙂

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 11:30 pm.

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We have returned from our family Spring/shred break week in CA!

Living Water Surf Co is stocked up on great wetsuits, boots, gloves, hoods, & everything you need this Spring and Summer to enjoy the beach, surf, skate, sup lifestyle!

A few photos of our family’s shred sessions in San Clemente and Oceanside last week.

Momma Barend slashing in Southern CA!

Ana/Momma Barend was slashing it up in Southern CA!

Chuck wore a lid to keep hid noggin from getting scorched by the CA sun!

Chuck/Dad wore a lid to keep hid noggin from getting scorched by the CA sun!

Maria was stoked to get some training in at Trestles, she will return in June to compete at the Nationals, go Maria!

Maria was stoked to get some training in at Trestles, she will return in June to compete at the Nationals, go Maria!

Maria on a beautiful left at Lowers!

Maria on a beautiful left at Lowers!

Maria Barend throwing down, yewww!!!

Maria Barend throwing down, yewww!!!

Chuck smashing a lip in O side!

Chuck smashing a lip in O side!

Chuck determined to make it and not loose the hat!

Chuck determined to make it and not loose the hat!

Eddy Barend shot photos of the family and here is proof Ed shreds when not behind the camera!

Eddy Barend shot photos of the family on this trip but don't be fooled, Ed shreds when not behind the camera!

After a long surf, Eddy's favorite!

After a long surf, Eddy's favorite!

We visited friends at their college which is located on a bluff which overlooks world class waves, these surfer girls are living the dream!

We visited friends at their college which is located on a bluff which overlooks world class waves, these surfer girls are living the dream!


As always, feel free to call Chuck if you have any questions or need anything?

401 662-9291

We have great gear at great prices to keep you shredding!

Chuck @ Trestles

Chuck @ Trestles

Maria bashing one on her backhand @ O side

Maria bashing one on her backhand @ O side

Chuck @ O side

Chuck @ O side, keeping the hat on the sunburned noggin!

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago at 11:33 am.

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Living Water Surf Co’s Winter Hours: Call 401 662-9291 and we will meet you at the shop

Honolulu Bay in Maui had some fun peelers!

Honolulu Bay in Maui had some fun peelers!

The Barend’s are back from Hawaii and home in LC!  Living Water’s Winter ghost town hours of operation:  Call 401 662-9291 and we will gladly meet you at the shop!  We have a great selection of Winter wetsuits, boots & gloves!  Living Water Surf Co has everything you need whether Surfing, Skateboarding, Stand up paddle boarding, we are here as a one stop shop to keep you shredding!

Free professional advice from Living Water Surf Co's world headquarters.

Free professional advice from Living Water Surf Co's world headquarters.

Living Water Surf Co has Youth sized Winter wetsuits on SALE!

Living Water Surf Co has Youth sized Winter wetsuits on SALE!


Winter is here and Maria is staying tropical in her new Rip Curl Hooded wetsuit!

Winter is here and Maria is staying tropical in her new Rip Curl Hooded wetsuit!

All Ladies Rip Curl Hooded wetsuits are on SALE @ Living Water Surf Co.

All Ladies Rip Curl Hooded wetsuits are on SALE @ Living Water Surf Co.

New Living Water Surf Co hoodies arrived in adult and youth sizes, they are warm and toasty!

New Living Water Surf Co hoodies arrived in adult and youth sizes, they are warm and toasty!

Chuck in Hawaii @ Sunset in December

Chuck in Hawaii @ Sunset in December

Ana in Hawaii @ Sunset in December

Ana in Hawaii @ Sunset in December

Living Water has Carver skateboards and all kinds of great gear at great prices

Living Water has Carver skateboards and all kinds of great gear at great prices

Barend's back in LC, call if you need any gear, we are happy to meet you at the shop!

Barend's back in LC, call if you need any gear, we are happy to meet you at the shop!

Posted 8 years ago at 1:20 pm.

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Merry Christmas!

The Barend’s returned from Hawaii and are excited to be home for Christmas in LC!

We are OPEN 10am-5pm Mon-Sat.

Call Chuck with questions or arrange an appt at the shop outside posted hours!  🙂

We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Blessed Holiday season!



Living Water is fully stocked to keep you fully stoked, we have great gifts @ great prices!

Chuck getting fully stoked on this Winter barrel in Jersey last Winter,  Enjoy your search!

Chuck getting fully stoked on a Winter barrel in Jersey last Winter, Living Water can help you enjoy your search!

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago at 2:18 pm.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

The Barend’s wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy time with Friends & family.

Enjoy time with Friends & family.

We are out of town but able to coordinate you meeting with someone at the shop.

Feel free to call Chuck’s cell number (401) 662-9291 for assistance in arranging a meeting time at the shop.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in December when we return home to Little Compton.

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago at 3:24 pm.

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We Thank all Veteran’s for your service to our great Nation!


Thank you Veterans for your service, may God bless you!

Thank you Veterans for your service, may God bless you!


Posted 8 years, 3 months ago at 5:30 pm.

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Watch Maria live today… 10 am PST


Click on the pic above to watch!

And the Barends return on the 1st!

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago at 9:45 am.

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Water Brother’s Pro

Congratulations Maria Barend!

Congratulations Maria Barend!


Sid & Danielle Abruzzi and the whole Water Brothers crew ran a wonderful surf contest in memory of Ryan Roberts.  Click on the picture above and check out all the action.

This contest brought the New England surf community together and it was a privilege to join in fun.  Thanks Sid, Danielle and crew!

Chuck Barend  - 4th Place - Water Brothers Pro

Chuck Barend - 4th Place - Water Brothers Pro


Chuck Barend

Chuck Barend

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago at 11:05 pm.

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