Living Water Surf Co.

JC rider Shane Dorian gets prestigious “Waterman Of The Year 2012” award!

2012 Waterman of the year-Shane DorianDorianCoversCover-Shane-Dorian-paddles-into-JAWSshanedorian-waterman of the year2012Shane Dorian!Australian Surfing Life -magazine cover-Shane DorianThis weekend at the Waterman’s Ball in Laguna Beach, CA. Shane Dorian was presented the prestigious “Waterman Of The Year 2012”.  Slater was on hand to present Shane the award and John “JC”  Carper was also there since Shane’s JC surfboard was being auctioned for a huge charity fundraiser which the event puts on every year.   

Dorian is known as one of the most influential names in big-wave riding today. He helped spearhead the “New School” of surfing, contended for a world title, towed in and later paddled into huge Jaws and continues to be on the frontier of cutting-edge, high-performance surfing.

“As one of the most universally respected big-wave surfers, Shane Dorian is a pioneer in the world of surfing who is constantly chasing the dream of surfing the world’s biggest wave.”

SURFLINE covered the event, here is the link.


Posted in Uncategorized 12 years, 2 months ago at 6:55 am.

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