Living Water Surf Co.

Living Water surfers are blessed in NC! Packed into the blue van, drive through the night, arrive in North Carolina for the 2013 ESA EASTERN’S

Chuck Slash @ 2013 EasternsThis week Chuck and Ana filled the Living Water blue surf shop van full of frothing young surfers (Brenden, Pete, John, Ed, Maria, and Ryan) and headed to North Carolina!  Some were to compete at the 2013 ESA Eastern’s Championships Contest and catch up with great friends from up and down the entire East Coast.  All of us in the van were frothing to ride some powerful, warm, OBX waves, and the forecasts called for pumping surf for the entire week, yewwww!!!Chuck -Slashing @2013 ESA Easterns




Here are a few links…

SURFER Magazine –


Eastern Surf Magazine – “All East Coast all the time!”

Ana @ 2013 ESA Eastern'sWe were very proud of the groms we took on this trip, they saw some of the best surfers on the East Coast pushing the limits in real surf and all improved greatly!  The young surfers experienced a grueling drive but the pay off was powerful, warm, waves!  The contest atmosphere was professional and exciting, the OBX water was clear and teaming with schools of fish, and we all enjoyed the amazing Southern hospitality of the locals!   The young surfers returned from this trip with a new standard of high porformance surfing, added confidence, experience, and are officially shredding!  What is even more important is the new frienships they made, the camaraderie shared with all the surfers, and sportsmanship that was displayed during the entire event!  All the while we were giving a lot of thanks to the Lord on high who is greater and mightier than the best waves and surfers on the earth and sea!!2013 ESA EASTERN'S CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST-NAGS HEAD, NC

Posted in Uncategorized 11 years, 3 months ago at 12:16 pm.

1 comment

One Reply

  1. We see your van at South Shore Beach, Little Compton, all the time. Just wanted to reach out and say hello.


    Bill (Diane and Patrick) McEntee
    Easton, MA

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